Terms Of Use

Last update date: 26/06/24


This document defines the conditions and rules according to which a foreigner can obtain the status of e-resident. This status gives the right to register as an entrepreneur, open a bank account and conduct business in the jurisdiction of Ukraine without a physical presence on its territory.


Application submission

The application is filled out in English in electronic form in the "E-resident" information system and must contain the following information:

  • surname, first name and patronymic (if available);
  • date of birth;
  • sex;
  • country of birth;
  • place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • country of residence;
  • settlement, street, house number, apartment number;
  • ZIP Code;
  • phone number;
  • email address;
  • number of the passport document which allows (the passport) to travel abroad (hereinafter - passport document);
  • the authority that issued the passport document;
  • the country of issuance of the passport document;
  • date of issuance of the passport document;
  • the date until which the passport document is valid;
  • type of economic (business) activity;
  • tax number in the country of citizenship.

A scanned copy of the passport document in electronic form is to be attached to the application. The validity period of the passport document must not expire earlier than one year from the date of submission of the application.

The applicant when submitting the application:

  • gets acquainted with the privacy notice on the processing of personal data;
  • declares that he/she has no criminal record.

After that, an account for the applicant is created in the "E-resident" information system.

Verification of the applicant

After submitting the application, the following checks are carried out:

  • compliance of the data of the passport document with the filled-in fields of the application;
  • compliance with these terms and conditions.

In the case of non-compliance with these conditions and rules, the Applicant receives a refusal to acquire the status of e-resident.

The check can last up to 44 calendar days.

If the verification is successful, the applicant receives a notification about the possibility to make an appointment at the consular office in the country of residence for the purpose of identification.

Identification of the applicant

Before visiting the consular office, the applicant must download the mobile application.  Link to appstore / playmarket

To undergo identification, the applicant selects free time slots at the relevant consular institution through the mobile application or through his/her own account on the web portal and makes an appointment.

In order to carry out identification, the applicant arrives at the booked time at the relevant consular institution of Ukraine and provides the original of a valid passport document, a scan copy of which was submitted together with the application.

The identification process presumes getting assured that the applicant's data is identical with the information provided in the application and the correspondence of the passport document data. During identification, the applicant is photographed for the purpose of further authentication in the mobile application or the cabinet on the web portal.

The term for the applicant to undergo the identification process is 90 calendar days (from the moment of inspection to the completion of identification at the consular institution of Ukraine). In cases where the deadline has been exceeded, the applicant can re-submit the application.

The applicant's failure to pass the identification procedure is grounds for denying him/her the status of e-resident.

Failure to pass identification is considered:

  • failure to provide the original passport document by the applicant;
  • inconsistency of the data of the passport document with the information about the applicant that was submitted when filling out the application;
  • non-identity of the applicant with the person depicted on the scanned copy of the submitted passport document;
  • failure of the applicant to undergo identification within 90 calendar days.
Acquisition of e-resident status

After successful identification, the applicant scans the one-time QR code using the mobile application and is authenticated in the mobile application.

With the help of the mobile application, the applicant receives the service of creating a qualified electronic signature certificate "Diia.Signature" ("Diia ID") and receives the status of an e-resident.

Registration of an e-resident as an entrepreneur

In order to carry out entrepreneurial activities, an e-resident needs to submit an application for registration as a private entrepreneur, which gives the opportunity to conduct business and pay taxes under the following conditions:

less than 1,167 amounts of the minimum wage (≈ 200,000 euros)

5% of income

more than or equal to 1167 amounts of minimum wage (≈ 200 thousand euros)

5% of income up to the established limit + 15% of income exceeding the limit

  • additional documents are not required when submitting an application;
  • taxes are paid by the bank as a tax agent automatically from each amount of funds received in the account;
  • no need in keeping bookkeeping and submitting tax reports: to be done by the bank
Bank account

After registering an e-resident as a private entrepreneur there is an opportunity to choose a Ukrainian bank and open an account for conducting business. To open an account, it is necessary to fill out a questionnaire through the "E-resident" information system (via the website or mobile application), undergo video verification and receive a notification about the successful opening of the account.

Peculiarities of working with bank accounts

  • currently, the account can be opened in USD and EUR (the list of currencies is planned to be expanded)
  • account management, making payments, receiving financial statements and reports is carried out online through the mobile banking tools of the selected bank;
  • after receipt of funds and payment of taxes in Ukraine, e-residents can transfer funds to their accounts abroad in foreign currency, the details of which are specified when opening an account in Ukraine
  • upon termination of e-resident status, the funds will be transferred to the account indicated by the e-resident when submitting an application for opening an account.
  • after the successful registration of the e-resident as a private entrepreneur the account can be opened exclusively through the "E-resident" information system.

Conditions for opening and maintaining accounts, commissions for money transfers and other banking services are set by the relevant bank.


General conditions and restrictions
Who can become an e-resident
  • a foreigner who reached the age of 18 and is not a tax resident of Ukraine (does not live in Ukraine for more than 180 days and is not registered as a private entrepreneur, and also does not pay taxes in Ukraine);
  • persons whose passport document does not expire earlier than one year from the moment of submission of the application;
  • persons who are not under personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions) in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Sanctions";
  • the person is not on the lists of the list of persons connected with the conduct of terrorist activities or against whom international sanctions have been applied;
  • the person does not have a criminal record and at the time of submitting the application was not brought to criminal liability;
  • the person is not involved in activities that pose a threat to the national security of Ukraine.
Who cannot become an e-resident:
  • citizen of Ukraine;
  • foreigners who have the right to permanent residence in Ukraine or are tax residents of Ukraine;
  • stateless persons;
  • persons who receive income with a source of origin from Ukraine for goods, works, services (except for passive income);
  • persons who are not citizens, residents or persons whose place of permanent residence (stay, registration) is India, Pakistan, Thailand, Slovenia. (the list will be expanded)
  • persons who use the labor of hired persons - citizens or residents of Ukraine;
Restrictions on financial transactions

e-resident can open accounts in only one bank of Ukraine (by choice)

it is forbidden to receive income with a source of origin from Ukraine (from Ukrainian companies, individuals or entrepreneurs) for goods, works, services (except for passive income)

operations may be blocked in cases where they are subject to financial monitoring restrictions, which are defined by the legislation of Ukraine.

Restrictions on types of activity

E-residents are prohibited from:

  • activities related to the organization, conduct of gambling, lotteries, bets, etc. (bookmakers, totalizers);
  • foreign currency exchange;
  • activities related to the production and sale of excise goods;
  • activities related to mining, production and sale of precious metals and stones, as well as minerals;
  • activities in the field of financial mediation and enterprise management;
  • activities for the provision of postal services and services in the field of telephone communication;
  • activities related to the sale of works of art and antiques, activities related to the organization of trades (auctions) of works of art, collectibles, and antiques;
  • activities related to the organization and holding of touring events.

If you have doubts about the possibility of carrying out certain types of activities, we advise you to familiarize yourself with subsection 291.5.1 of paragraph 291.5 of Article 291 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (there is a direct hyperlink to it) or contact our support service for clarification.